Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fastest growing companies

1. Eldorado Gold
Eldorado Gold
Rank: 1 (Previous rank: N.A.)
CEO: Paul N. Wright
Address: 550 Burrard St.
Vancouver, Canada V6C2B5
With the price of gold on a multi-year tear to bubble-like heights, Canada-based Eldorado has been broadening its global reach, acquiring two new operating mines in China. The first North American gold mining company to operate in that country, Eldorado also targets locations in Turkey, Greece and Brazil for exploration and development and is planning a broader push in South America.

Eldorado aims to keep the costs of mining, processing, transport, and selling around $375 an ounce. That low-cost strategy, coupled with soaring prices, has yielded three-year annualized earnings-per-share growth of 119%. In theory, gold could fall dramatically from its current heights around $1200, and Eldorado would remain profitable.

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